Dave Handscomb was VK6's historian for many
years. His research was done mostly pre Internet, so it was dedicated
hard slog research, with many visits to libraries and sourcing books,
minutes and magazines. What Dave produced was typed on an electronic
type writer (CANONET W1 V021) that eventually failed and the 3" floppy
disks could not
longer be read on the typewriter. Dave had some articles printed in Amateur Radio magazine. However after the typewriter failing, and unable to have it repaired at a reasonable price, Dave more or less gave up. However after a number of years Dave sent me the 20 or so floppy disks, and despite the format of the disks being specific to the electronic type writer I was able to extract much of what Dave had written, all be it with the text format being lost. Some of the articles were not finished, they just stop. With the effort Dave put in over many years I have started to add what I have in basic text format to my web site. It lacks the correct paragraphing etc, but at least it can be read and perhaps re formated to make for easier reading. The list below is in no specific order. Also interested to know how the text presents on your browser. I noticed the Dave's callsign VK6ATE is not on the ACMA register. If anyone knows of Dave's situation please let me know. |