T H E   P E R T H   C O N F E R E N C E .
 2 N D   A N N U A L   C O N V E N T I O N   O F   T H E   W I R E L E S S   I N S T I T U TE OF AUSTRALIA
(special report from Clement E.Ames)
     August 19th 1925.
The conference opened at 3pm on Friday August 7th almost immediately after the arrival of the delegates from the Eastern States. Mr.B.M.Holt (President of WA Division) acted as Chairman for the conference, with Mr.J.C.Park (Secretary, W.A.Division) as secretary to the convention. The other representatives were:
W.E.Coxon (W.A.)
A.E.Stevens (W.A.)
W.Phipps (Queensland, by proxy)
B.J.Masters (Victoria)
H.A.Stowe (N.S.W.)
 P . O . F y s h   ( T a s m a n i a )
 C . E . A m e s   ( S . A . )
 M r . F . H . G o l d s m i t h   a c t e d   a s   o f f i c i a l   r e p o r t e r .
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 T h e   C o n v e n t i o n   m e t   i n   t h e board room of Westralian Farmers Ltd, who kindly offered the use of their premises for the purpose.
At the close of the 2nd session , which concluded about 10pm, the delegates proceeded to the residence of Mr.P.Kennedy (State Engineer for W.A.) at Mt.Lawley by motor car. Mr.Kennedy is an enthusiastic radio man by operating station 6AM which has   been heard in all states.
After about an hours calling of various transmitters in the Eastern States, connection was made with 7BQ (Mr.J.A.L.Crooks of Launceston Tasmania) who, although only using 2 201A valves, with about 350 volts on the plate, was audible to all in the room. Messages were transmitted from 6AM to 7BQ, who later the same night, passed them on to the United States. 6AM uses the ordinary 3 coil regenerative circuit receiver, with two stages of audio.
On Saturday morning at 10am the convention met again, and carried on with short adjournments for Lunch and Dinner, until 10pm when the business was completed.