W A   C a l l s   1 9 3 9 .                                             Q
                    Q Û
F R O M   T H E   P M G   L I S T   O F   R A D I O   E X P E R I M E N T E R S .
 1 9 3 9   ( u p   t o   W W 2 . )
 W E S T E R N   A U S T R A L I A .
 V K 6 A A     G r e y   A . B .             N e d l a n d s
 V K 6 A B     B u c k i e   A . C .     eNldnasd
 .         N e d l a n d s
 V K 6 A C     H o u s e m a n   A . A .       W Y N D H A M   V K 6 A E     C u r e d a l e   A .               P e r t h     V K 6 A F     F o x c r o f t   A .       V i c .   P a r k
 V K 6 A G     C o x o n   W . E .         M t . L a w l e y
 V K 6 A H     H i l l   A . S .                 W I L U N A
 V K 6 A K     U n i v e r s i t y   o f   W A ,   P e r t h
 V K 6 A L     L a t h w e l l   A . G .       B U N B U R Y
 V K 6 A R     R u s s e l l   A .C.    NORTHAM
VK6AW  Watkins A.P.    BOULDER
VK6BA  Arnold W.     KATANNING
VK6BB  Park J.     South Perth
VK6BC  Congdon B.      Subiaco
VK6BE  Reid J.      Bassendean
VK6BL  AWA Ltd (Station at
  (c/- Cwlth Health Lab.)
VK6BN  Stevens A.E. Sth Perth
VK6BO  Beckett O.C.  BEVERLEY VK6BS  Sands W.R.   Sth Perth
VK6BW  Wyle A.J.H. Shenton Pk
VK6CA  Bold C.A.  Beaconsfield
VK6CB  Brown C.W.      Subiaco
VK6CC  Crowther R.C. Guildford
VK6CN  Canavan J.    Inglewood
VK6CP  Cooke C.R.    Bayswater
VK6CR  Reeves C.H.   Vic. Park
VK6CX  Quin C.    Wembley Park
VK6CY  Young C.A.    Fremantle
VK6DA  Saw F.W.      Nth Perth VK6DC  D'Evelynes C.    HARVEY
VK6DF  DuFeu M.A.J.      Perth
VK6DH  Hardisty D.C.  Vic.Park VK6DN  Edwards F.P.   MERREDIN
VK6DO  Hobbs I.M.     MERREDIN
VK6DR  Devitt R.L.    Nedlands
VK6DS  Spencer D.S RAAF Pearce
VK6DX  Barber W.H.     BOULDER
VK6EC  Cornelius E.E. Maylands
VK6EI  Grogan A.W.
VK6EL  Langenschied E.
        - Bassendean
VK6FG  Goldsmith F.H.  
            Nedlands Pk. VK6FH  Hull F.A.   Pt.HEDLAND
VK6FK  Whittaker F.W. Maylands
VK6FO  Ollivier N.F. Cottesloe
VK6FR  Wright F.H. Mosman Park
VK6FS  Riley W.F.    Mt.Lawley
VK6FT  Tredrea F.    Sth Perth
VK6GA  Ashley G.W.R.  Carlisle
VK6GB  Gabbetas J.    Maylands
VK6GD  Geldard H.R.   Vic.Park VK6GL  Lorden G.A.    JINGALUP
 (via KOJONUP)
VK6GM  Moss G.A.     Mt.Lawley
VK6GR£ Rippen A.     Fremantle VK6GS  Horrocks G.S.B.  HARVEY
VK6GW  Butterfield G.Sth Perth
 Johnson H.B Leederville
VK6HF  Fogg H.L.      CARNAMAH
VK6HG  Garner H.H. Mt.Hawthorn
VK6HL  Lang H.B.     Claremont
VK6HM  Holman C.W.R Wembley Pk
VK6HS  Simpson H.B Leederville
VK6HT  Tarbotton H.A.   ALBANY
VK6HW  Willis H. Sth.Fremantle
VK6IG  Ginbey I.H.   Fremantle
VK6IL  Loneragan W.H.B.
  - KALGOORLIE VK6IZ  Grubb J.B.  RAAF Pearce
VK6JA  Hunt J.A.     Maylands
VK6JB  Wahl A.F.   Leederville
VK6JC  Chinnery    J.C.(Miss) Charlie's Creek-via DONNYBROOK
VK6JG£ Goddard J.E Leederville
VK6JJ  Jewell T.J.    Vic.Park
VK6JK  Dewan J.O.    Nth Perth
VK6JR  Richards V.J.  Nedlands
VK6JS  Squires J.         Como
VK6KB  Dook V.L.   Mt.Hawthorn VK6KD  McHugh W.C.   Guildford
VK6KM  Saar A.        Maylands
VK6KO  Rann G.W.       Wembley
VK6KR  Bell V.F.   Mt.Hawthorn
VK6KS£ Anderson K.S.  Nedlands
VK6KW  Hugo R.W.S.     Subiaco
VK6KX  Simmons H.T.   Nedlands
VK6KZ  Vernon C.H.   Fremantle
VK6LH  Harrison P.L. Claremont
VK6LJ  Mead J.  
VK6LM  Morrison L.      WILUNA
VK6LS  Symonds L.    Cottesloe
VK6LW  Peterson W.M.   E.Perth
VK6LY  Collis R.     Bayswater
VK6MH  Hill M.L. (Mrs)  WILUNA
VK6MM  Moore M.P.  Deanmill
School, via MANJIMUP
VK6MN  Madden S.J.     Wembley
VK6MO  Magnetic Observatory,
VK6MS  Sander J.M.  Cannington
VK6MU  Urquhart M.S. Cottesloe
VK6MW  Weston W.  Floreat Park VK6MY  Murray M.I.   Sth Perth
VK6ND  Doig N.L.   Mt.Hawthorn
VK6NJ  Johnston J.B.   Subiaco
VK6NL  Harris V.H.  Sh.Pk.West
VK6NO  Turnbull N.  Sh.Pk.West
VK6NP  Bemrose G.S.  Cottesloe
VK6OY  Hunt H.C.        WILUNA
VK6PD  Aust.Aerial Medical        Services,Public Health Dept
.     -Station at PORT HEDLAND
VK6PK  Kernick P.E.  Sth.Perth
VK6PP£ Paterson P.P.    WILUNA
VK6RA  Agnew R.G.     Nedlands
VK6RB  Robins E.F.    Vic.Park
VK6RG  Harvey E.R  Scarborough
VK6RH  Hull R.A.     Inglewood
VK6RJ  Tapper J.R.   Claremont
VK6RL  Henwood R.F.    NORTHAM VK6RT  Trunfull R.L.
   Govt.School, ROEBOURNE
VK6RU  Rumble J.       Subiaco
VK6RW  Muir R.W.         WAGIN
VK6SA  Austin S.C.   Sth.Perth
VK6SP  Sperring W.J.  Vic.Park
Subiaco Radio Society.
    -  Subiaco
VK6ST  Stewart W. West L'ville
VK6SW  Worth S.E.     Nedlands
VK6TM  Thompson J.W.  Vic.Park
VK6TP  Pearce E.R.    Maylands
VK6TX  Morris J.T.     Subiaco
VK6WG  Green W.W.       ALBANY
VK6WH  Doddy E.A.    Claremont
Wireless Institute of
 Australia (WA Division)
 Melba Chambers,                cr. Hay/Milligan Sts.
 VK6WK  Ruse T.W.  Osborne Park
VK6WL  McGeoch W.     BROOKTON
VK6WP  Phipps W.R.   Sth.Perth
VK6WR  Rodda W.D.    Claremont
VK6WS  Schofield W. Pepp.Grove
VK6WW  Watson S.W.     W.Perth
VK6WZ  Atkinson R.H.  Vic.Park
VK6XI  Robson C.     Mt.Lawley
VK6XL  Miles H.R.    Mt.Lawley
VK6YB  Lewis W.J.  RAAF Pearce
VK6YL  Longley R.V.(Miss)
  Shenton Park
VK6YN  Harkin D.J. RAAF Pearce
VK6YZ  Samphier R. Mt.Hawthorn
VK6ZO  Potter E.T  E.Fremantle VK6ZX  Grey E.E.         Perth
VK6ZZ  Stevens H.     Vic.Park
 These men were to lose their    lives during the war, in the    service of their Country.
4.(a) The licensed apparatus shall be so worked as not to interfere with the
      working of any wireless telegraph or telephone station established in
      Australia by or for the purposes of the Minister, or any Department of
     the Commonwealth of Australia, or for commercial purposes, and in
     particular,with the transmission or receipt of any messages between or at       
      wireless telegraph or telephone stations established as aforesaid on land
      and wireless telegraph or telephone stations established on ships at sea. On
      no account shall His Majesty's ships be called by means of the licensed
  (b) With a view to preventing such interference as aforesaid, the licensee and
      every person acting on his behalf or by his permission shall comply with
      all directions which shall be given to the licensee by the Minister, or pre-
      scribed by the Minister with respect to avoiding interference between one
      wireless telegraph or telephone station and another.
    (c) The licensed appliances shall not,without permission, in writing, from the
      Minister or an officer thereunto authorised by him, be altered in respect of
      any of the particulars mentioned in the first and second schedules hereto.
    (d) The licensee shall at all times indemnify the Commonwealth of Australia
      and the Minister against all actions, claims, and demands which may be brought
      or made by any corporation, company or person in respect of any injury
      arising from any act licensed or permitted by these presents.
5.(a) The licensee
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