W h e n   t h e   H i s t o r y   o f   
 W i r e l e s s   &   B r o a d c a s t i n g   i n   W e s t e r n   A u s t r a l i a
 i s   w r i t t e n ,   n o   n a m e   w i l l   s t a n d   o u t
 m o r e   p r o m i n e ntly than that of
Photograph kindly laned by Christine Sebo (daughter of WEC & PW)
marked on reverse:
   Coxons House on the Timber Mill town of Denmark, near Albany.
Left to right:
         A visitor
Sitting: a Miss Allen of Albany
         3 other women visitors.
With model ship: Leslie Coxon.
Against post :   Walter Coxon.
Mrs.Coxon, Mr.Coxon.
Sitting & standing at right: Visitors.
Photo taken by Mr.Allen of Albany who
 was interested in Photography.
Recorded by Walter Coxon  1950
at Darlington, WA.
W.E.Coxon - Radio Room 1925.
ne member from each division"
 The motion was seconded by Mr.Fysh , and carried.
Mr.Masters proposed that executive officers be elected each year by the Federal Convention, and that all three officers should reside in the one state.The motion was seconded by Mr.Phipps, and carried.
Next consideration was the venue for the next convention. Mr.Masters moved that it be held in Sydney "next year, about July" partly because of the expense incurred in coming all that way to W.A.but also "if we hold it in Sydney next year, we may have a chance of bringing in Queensland - Mr.Malone said to me "I don't care what you do else, but put a bomb under Queensland! " (actual quote from the report) "To get Queensland to attend the next convention would, I think, be very desirable."
Mr.Masters, being of the opinion that the executive offices shold be at the seat of Government, because of the speed  with which important decisions and consultation with government might be acheived in an emergency, his motion was agreed to.
Mr.Stowe nominated MR.PHIL RENSHAW 2DE as President ( He had, apparently, been very influential in having this, the 2nd WIA Convention, held in Perth.)
Mr.Stevens nominated MR.STOWE as Treasurer, seconded by Mr.Phipps.
It was decided to leave the selection of Secretary in the hands of the President and Treasurer to deal with on Mr.Stowe's return to NSW.
no.24  Mr.Masters moved, seconded by Mr,Fysh,
"That the official International Language be  ESPERANTO.
       Mr.Stowe moved, seconded Mr.Coxon, that 'the conference recommends the adoption in Australia of th KILOCYCLE rating, instead of the Wavelength rating...
Among the social functions attended by delegates were:-
Motor trip to Mundering Wier (13 cars)
Visit to Professor Ross, at University .
Complimentary Radio Dinner.
Visit to VIP.
Theatre party as guests of the Managing Director of Westralian Farmers 6WF
Luncheon with State Minister for Public Works (Mr.A.McCallum)
Visits to various local transmitter stations.
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    hereby licenses or not) or the transmission of messages in any part of Australia
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