WWI photographic collection of Richard Goldsmith Hummerston

All photographs are over 100 years old

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During WWI Richard Hummerston took a camera to war. The collection is of about 900 photographs, mostly taken in North Africa. He left from Fremantle on the 13th of  October 1915. He served with the 10th light horse and 3rd machine gun squadron as did my grandfather William McGhie. They knew each other and my grandfather is in one of the photographs. They both returned home safe. Some of the photographs have name identification some not, but all have some description, which is included with the photograph. I have tried to have some order to the photographs but requires improvements.

During my family research I came across the name Hummerston and there was a connection to my grandfather. A check in the phone book found Richard Hummerston's son Peter (now deceased). Peter had contacted the National library wanting the photograph album to be preserved. They took the album and produced a hard copy replica, the replica being given to Peter. Also a CD with digital scans was given to Peter and Peter allowed me to copy the CD.


Richard Goldsmith Hummerston

The front cover of the photograph album

This may be Richard Hummerston taking a photograph top left.

This could be my grandfather William McGhie on the left.

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