The minutes are of the beginning of the
VK6WIA. The text is at times, difficult to read, due to the old fashion
long hand. However after a time
the style becomes easier to read and it changes as different minute
secretaries scribe the minutes. Wrapped in brown paper the front cover of the VK6 Minute book The minutes are little about the technical side of the hobby but more the running of the VK6 Division but there are glimmers of the amateur radio as it was almost 100 years ago. Both committee meetings and general meetings are contained in the minutes I have transcribed much of the minutes a few years ago and they are contained on an old laptop that I have not booted up for a long time and the only way to obtain the text is via floppy drive. When time permits I will see if I can copy over the text version. The scans of the minute book was done with a digital camera and are of two open pages per photograph. They are represented in chronological order top to bottom. The dates are often difficult to read with the year sometimes missing. Take for example this date below, what do you think it is...? The word inst is often used in the date such as "The 3rd inst of October" but no mention of the year. This of course can be figured out but took a while to work out what inst meant...It stands for instance (I think) "the 3rd instance of October". However Don has perhaps the better take on what "inst" means...... Re "inst" from Don VK6HK "inst" and its companion "ult" (short for "instant" and "ultimo") are an antique reference to say "3rd inst" - meaning the 3rd of the current month and say "3rd ult" - meaning the 3rd of the preceding month. Note minutes with the same date are often Council meetings and General meetings. This occurred later on as the pace of Amateur Radio picked up after WW1. Depending on your browser click on image to zoom in. The beginning October 1913 24 October 1913 24 October 1913 end of meeting 8 December 1913 2 February 1914 16 February & 2 March 1914 16 & 30 March 1914 20 April 1914 9 & 27 May 1914 6 & 20 July There is a break in the minutes with the beginning of WW1 which began in July 1914. The next entry in the minutes is Febrary 1915 3 February 1915 3 & 10 February 1915 10 & 23 February 1915 12-13-26-27 April 1915 short meetings 9 August 1915 23 August 1915 (typed) 23 August radio set 14 February 1916 13 March & April 10 1916 22 May 12 June 1916..........3 November 1919 Note the large gap in time from May 1916 to November 1919. The lack of minutes of more than 3 years in the minutes book are on facing pages, so it appears to confirm that meetings were not held due to the War. There is no mention of this in the minutes however, just the lack of minutes. November 1919 & December 1919 February 1920 March 1920 April & May 1920 July 1920 August & September 1920 October & November 1920 March & April 1921 April & June 1921 July 1921 July & August 1921 September & October 1921 October & November 1921 January 1922 February 1922....(22-2-22...!) March & April 1922 May 1922 June 1922 July 1922 August 1922 September 1922 October 1922 October & November 1922 November 1922 December 1922 & January 1923 January & February 1923 February 1923 February 1923 March 1923 May 1923 May 1923 June 1923 June 1923 June 1923 July 1923 July 1923 July & August 1923 two versions July & August 1923 two versions August 1923 August 1923 September 1923 September & October 1923 October & November 1923 November 1923 November & December 1923 December 1923 December 1923 December 1923 & January 1924 February 1924 February 1924 March 1924 March 1924 March 1924 March & April 1924 May 1924 May1924 May & June 1924 June 1924 June 1924 Pages in back of minute book Wireless set contributions Historical Amateur Addresses Subscriptions & Expenditure |