Transcribed minutes of W.A. radio Club that later became The VK6 WIA

Thanks to Christine VK6ZLZ who found them and this encouraged me to find the updated version up to January 1922

This Web page contains transcribed minutes from the original first Minute book dated
24th November 1913 to 26th June 1924.

All text in blue are comments and all text in black is the exact transcribed minutes.
Any text in red is where an exact interpretation due to writing style is best guess.

The radio club that was formed in 1913 was known as The W.A. Radio Club which
then became the Wireless Institute WA Division in November 1919.

To place these early minutes in perspective, Marconi had only just transmitted a radio
signal across the Atlantic some 12 years earlier in 1901. Radio, when The W.A. Radio
Club was formed, was largely an unknown. It was a time of spark transmitters with
the Thermeonic Valve still to be developed for practical radio. There was little known
about propagation and a general assumption that lower radio frequencies had the
greatest potential. Most radio experimentation in these early days were in or close to
the existing AM broadcast band with 200  metres (1.5 MHz) being a commonly
mentioned frequency.

There was no such thing as a radio amateur, they were experimenters in the wonders
of electricity and radio transmission with no reference books to look up or ready
made radios to buy or kits to build. The word experimenter was applied in its most
purest form.

There were no rules or regulations and no licenses. And it was these early experimenters
that saw the need for licensing and regulations for without them the radio spectrum
would quickly develop into chaos. Throughout the minutes there is ongoing discussion
to develop a license structure which did not come into being until -----.

The minutes mention little about technical issues and concentrate mainly on the Radio
Club administration, membership, money, affiliation with other clubs, social events,
and lectures which were important in a time of sparse information.

Almost all of these early minutes were hand written with nib and ink and at times are
difficult to decipher. Plain english is easier due to normal sentence structure but
names of individuals are at times impossible and where this happens a note will
be made.

The minutes have been transcribed containing as far as possible the original style.
For example capital letters were used at times when not correct and dates
recorded in different styles. Full stops used some times and other times not.
The word "and" used sometimes or just a squiggle so & has been used in place
of the squiggle.

There are also parts of these minutes that appear to not be accurate or make easy
sense. This could well be due to assumptions that were made at the time in that
it was common knowledge and there for recorded in a way that is now difficult
to fully understand.

What is a pity is that several of these early experimenters were alive not all that
long ago with some living into the 1970s and even later but their stories were not
recorded. To piece together this early history would require considerable effort.
Perhaps at least providing these minutes will fill in a small part of our earliest
Radio history from a club level.

The beginning; Forming a Radio Club.

Note: The date is not clear simply mentioning Monday the 15th.
However as the next meeting was held on the 24th November 1913
there are only 2 mondays the 15th during 1913 and they are in the
months of September and December it is to be assumed that the
month was September Monday the 15th.

Most of the early meetings were held at the Perth Boys School in James St.
The original Perth Boys School was in St Georges Tce. The James St location
was built in 1900 and is as shown below. 

James street Perth early 1900

James street Perth early 1900....Perth Boys School is tallest building on right in distance.

September 1913

W.A. Radio Club.

A meeting was held at the residence of Mr. Sibley North Perth on Monday the
15th inst (Instance) for the purpose of forming a Radio-Telegraph Club.

Present Messes McKail, Coxon, Murray, Sibley (2) and Dean.

Following Rules passed.

1. Club to be known as "The W.A. Radio Club.
2. The subscription to be 5/- pa in advance.
3. Boys attending school will not be accepted but junior societies may be affiliated.
    The Club will encourage the work of such societies.

Further business dealt with.

Agreed that Mr. Reid be asked to interview Mr. Whysall D.P.M.G. and ascertain if
that gentleman would accept the position of Patron.

Election of officers.

Chairman Mr. Ellison
Vice Chairman Mr. Coxon
Committee Messrs McKail, Coxon, Sibley, Reid and McCallum
Secretary Mr. Dean.

The Secretary was directed to write the Education Dept asking permission to use
the Science Class Room at P.B.S. (Perth Boys School) for meeting purposes.
Also to endeavor to have notice drawn through the Press to the formation of the

Meeting adjourned to a date and place to be fixed later.

Signed.....T.W. Ellison.

First Committee meeting on newly formed W.A. Radio Club 8PM 24th November 1913

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Science Rooms PBS (Perth Boys School) 24th
October 13 at 8 p.m. Mr T W Ellison in chair.

Apologies received from Messrs Coxon McCallum absent.

Minutes of previous meeting were confirmed subject to the alteration that Mr Wysall DPMG
will not be approached until experimental stations owned by members are licensed.


Persons interested in RA at Kalg desire to form a club in that town. Rep by Mr Dewar.
Agreed form a branch of WA RC in that town.


Subscriptions on hand one pound.


Application for permission to use Science Rooms PBS. Approved by Hon Minister for Education.
License fee for private experimental station reply received from RJ Burchell Esq.
MHR stating stating he failed to have same reduction. Mr Burchell to be thanked for the effort
made on our behalf.


Moved by Mr Dean sec by Mr Sibley that application for licenses be left to members but no
person who has an unlicensed station will be admitted as a member of the Club.

Moved by Mr McKail sec by Mr Sibley that Operators at Applecross be written with the
view of enrolling them as Hon Members of the Club.

Moved by Mr Reid sec by Mr Dewar that news items be sent to press at Albany Katanning
Wagin and Bunbury soliciting country correspondence.

Moved by Mr Dean sec by Mr Reid that news item be sent Perth press after each meeting.

Moved by Mr Sibley sec by Mr Reid that practice in sound reading be given for half an hour
before each meeting.

Moved by Mr Dean sec by Mr McKail that members of committee absenting themselves
from three consecutive meetings and not furnishing an early and satisfactory apology will
forfeit position.

Moved by Mr McKail sec by Mr Sibley that meeting on 8th Dec be advertised by members
also through West Australian and Daily News on Wednesday the 3rd prox issues.

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm.

Chairman.......TW Ellison
Hon Sec.........GW Dean

Council meeting at PBS on 8th December 1913

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in the Science Rooms PBS 8th Dec 13

Chair taken by Mr TW ellison at 7.35 pm.
Present Messrs McKail Sibley Reid.
Apologies received from Mr W Coxon
Absent Mr McCallum.

Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

Correspondence read and agreed to.


Subscriptions received (pound) 1.0.0
Advertising WA & D News         8.0
Balance on hand                          12.0

Moved by Mr McKail seconded Mr Sibley that persons residing in country districts
should be admitted as members of the Club.

Moved by Mr McKail sec Mr Sibley that Operators at the Applecross Station be
written to at a later date in connection with their being asked to accept position of
Hon Member of the Club.

Moved by Mr Sibley sec by Secty that members of the PBS Radio Club should be
accepted as members of the WA Radio Club on leaving school.

Decided to hold the next meeting on the first Monday following the opening of the

Club opened to members at 8 p.m.

Chairman.......TW Ellison

So ended 1913

1914 February
(New minute secretary, easier to read)

Minutes of Committee Meeting held in Science Rooms P.B.S. on 2nd February 1914
Chair taken by Mr T.W. Ellison at 7.30

Present Messrs McKail, Sibley, Reid & Coxon
Absent Mr Mc Callum

Minutes of previous Meeting read & confirmed.

Correspondence read and agreed to.


The Secretary reported a balance of 4/- which was later handed to the Treasurer.

Moved by Mr McKail & seconded by Mr Coxon that Mr Perry of Bremer Bay & Mr
Storrie of Rottnest should be accepted as corresponding Members.

Moved by Mr McKail seconded by Mr Coxon that Messrs Brown, Thompson & Hitch
be accepted as Members.

Moved by Mr Reid seconded by Mr McKail that Mr A. Sibley be appointed Treasurer.

Moved by Mr Reid & seconded by Mr Mc Kail that Mr A Sibley be elected to the
committee to fill the place of Mr Mc Callum who has forfeited his position as per Rules.

Moved by Mr McKail & seconded by Mr Reid that the pa for corresponding Members
be 2/6d.

Mr McKail gave an account at the General Meeting which was opened at 8.P.M.

Chairman......W E Coxon
Secretary.......G W Dean

1914 February

The next page of minutes are a little strange in that the date and time are the same
as the preceding minutes.

Minutes of Committee meeting held in Science Rooms P.B.S. on 2nd  2  14

Chair taken by Mr W E Coxon at 7.30 pm

Present Messrs McKail A Sibley C Sibley and J Read.

Apology from Mr T W Ellison

Minutes of previous minutes read and confirmed

Accounts. Treasurers statement. agreed

Correspondence nil

Moved Mr McKail sec Mr Read that Secty write camage asking for catalogue and price
etc of wave meter.

Mr W E Coxon applied for 2 years leave of absence.

Meeting was opened to members at 8 pm

Chairman........not signed
Sec.................G W Dean

1914 February

Minutes of Committee meeting held at the Science Rooms PBS on 16.2.14

Mr T.W. Ellison in chair at 7.30 p.m.

Present Messrs McKail Sibley(2) and Reid.

Prob by Mr McKail sec by Mr Dean that arrangements be made to purchase sufficient flex and
terminals to equip room for sound reading purposes. same to be used by the PBS Club.

Mr Reid applied for 3 months leave of absence to attend Dept. instruction class.

Accounts. (none)

Meeting opened to members 8pm

Lecture by Mr McKail. Practice in Morse Code.

Chairman...........not signed
Secty.................G W Dean

1914 March

Minutes of Committee meeting held at the Science Rooms P.B.S. on the 2.  3  14

Mr T W Ellison in Chair at 7 30pm

Present Messrs McKail Sibley(2).

Treasures Report. (none)

Meeting opened to members 8 pm.

Lecture by Mr A Sibley on high frequency.
Practice in Morse Code

Chairman...........not signed
Secty.................G W Dean

1914 March

Minutes of Committee Meeting held at the Science Rooms PBS on 16  3  14

Chair taken by Mr McKail at 7.30pm

Absent Mr Ellison.

Present Messrs Sibley(2)

Treasurers report. (none)

Passed for payment 18/6. Flex & Terminals

Mr Thompson elected to a seat on Committee Vice Mr McKail.

Offer by P.B.S. Club to partly pay cost of flex and Terminals. Decided to thank them for
offer, but declined the assistance.

Meeting opened to members at 8pm

Second lecture by Mr McKail.
Practice in Morse Code

Actg Chairman......Mr McKail
Sectg....................G W Dean

1914 March

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Science Rooms P.B.S. 30.3 14

Chair taken by Mr McKail at 7.30pm

Absent Mr Ellison.
Apology from Mr Reid

Mr Thompson appointed to committee vice Mr Coxon resigned on account of absence from State

Present Messrs Sibley(2)

Correspondence read & confirmed.

Treasurers report
Decided to purchase a rubber stamp for use of club.

Decided to write Messrs Sweeney & Cox asking quote for wave meter 50 m upwards

Meeting opened to members at 8pm

Lecture on spark gaps by Mr A Sibley followed by practice in Morse Code.

Decided to hold the following meeting on the 6th April owing to the regular night falling on
a public holiday.

Chairman.........(not signed)
Secly...............G W Dean

1914 April

Minutes of the Committee meeting held on Monday 20th April at Science Rooms PBS.

Actg Chairman Mr McKail vice Mr T W Ellison resigned.

Present Messrs Thompson A Sibley C Sibley and Sec
Absent Mr Reid on leave.

Moved y Sec seconded by Mr A Sibley that Mr McKail be requested to accept position of
Chairman vice Mr Ellison resigned.
Agreed, and accepted by Mr McKail.

Treasures Report. (none)


Letter received from Messrs Sweeny & Cox in reference to wave meter - Stand over-

(Next entry squeezed in with a very fine pen)

Resignation received from Mr Ellison and accepted with regret.
Decided to request him accept position Hon member.


Moved Mr A Sibley sec Mr McKail that authority be given to purchase 250 sheets of
suitable note paper for use of Club.

Meeting opened to members 8pm.

Lecture on Telegraphs by Sec.
Morse practice postponed owing to breakdown of special apparatus.

Meeting closed 10 pm

Chairman...........H McKail
Secty.................G W Dean

1914 May

Minutes of Committee meeting held on Monday 4th May 14 at the Science Rooms P.B.S.

Chair taken by Mr McKail at 7.30pm

Present Messrs Thompson A Sibley C Sibley and sec.
Absent Mr Reid on leave.

Correspondence Nil

Treasurers Report. (none)

Meeting opened to members at 8pm

Lecture by Mr McKail.
Morse practice.

Chairman..........H McKail
Sec...................G W Dean

1914 June

Minutes of Committee meeting held on Monday the 8th inst at the Science Rooms P.B.S.

Chair taken by Mr McKail at 7.30pm

Present Messrs Thompson A Sibley C Sibley and sec.


Catalogue received from Crimage Coy.
Reply from PMG re the protection of licensed experimenters against unlicensed.
From PMG permit for executive to visit Perth Radio Station. Received.


Mr McKail re Club flags. Flag 9ft sewn 32/- psinled 17/6.
Addition to name of Club.
Postponed till following meeting.

General Meeting opened to members at 8pm.
Lecture by Mr R Thompson subject. Lathe work, lacquering and soldering.
Practice in Sound reading.

Meeting closed 9 45 pm

Chairman............H McKail
Sec.....................G.W. Dean

1914 June....?

Minutes of the Committee meeting held on Monday June 27th at the Science Rooms PBS

Chair taken by Mr McKail at 7 30 pm

Present Messrs R Thompson C Sibley and sec.
Absent Mr Reid.
Apology Mr A Sibley.

Correspondence (none)


Decided to extend scope of Club which will in future be known as the
WA Institute of Radio and Scientific Experimenters.

Sec instructed to make inquiries re the visit of Executive to the Telephone Exchange.

General Meeting opened to members at 8pm.

Lecture by Mr Hal McKail Subject - Tuning-
Practice in Sound reading

Meeting closed at 9 50pm

Chairman........Hal McKail
sec..................G W Dean.

1914 July

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday the 6th July at the Science Rooms PBS

Chair taken by Mr McKail at 7 30pm

Present Messrs R Thompson C & A Sibley A Read and Sec

Correspondence (none)


Mr Wilmott a new member proposed by Mr R Thompson - Accepted

General meeting opened 8pm
Lecture by Mr McKail on aerials and guys.
Practice in Morse sound reading.

Meeting closed 10 pm

Chairman............H McKail
Sec.....................G.W. Dean

1914 July

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Monday the 20th July 14 at the Science Rooms P.B.S.

Chair taken by Mr McKail at 7.30 pm

Present Messrs R Thompson C & A Sibley & sec
Absent Mr J Reid. No apology received.


Revised rules.
Decided to adopt code as per list in Model Engineer and as used by Commercial Stations.
Members to log X stations when listening in.
Bring under notice of Committee ant new stations noticed.
Lectures arranged for the following 3 meetings:-

Monday 27th Mr Wilmott - subject Coil winding.

Monday 3rd Aug 14 Mr Collins subject ------
Monday 10th Aug 14 Mr Clinton subject French Polishing.
Monday 17th Aug Question Box.

Meeting opened to members 8pm

Sec....................G. W. Dean

WW1 began on July 28


There were no more committee meetings in 1914. Why the minute book does not say
The very next page from the 20th of July 1913 is dated 3rd February 1915. However
it is most likely due to the beginning of World War 1 which began 8 days after the
last meeting held in July 1914

Minutes of the Council meeting held at 8 pm on Wednesday the 3rd February at the
Science Rooms P.B.S.

Chair taken by Mr R W Thompson the newly elected President of the Institute at 8 pm.

Present Messrs McKail, R Thompson WilmottA Sibley C Sibley.

In his opening address the President expressed pleasure in having the opportunity of
controlling the welfare of the Institute, which he was satisfied would in time become
an organisation of importance in this city. He put forward several suggestions which
he considered if acted upon would lend towards accomplishing the desired end.
Personally he would make every effort to push forward the movement.

On behalf of the Committee Mr McKail thanked the President for his kind support
and encouraging remarks, and assured him that each member would cordially
cooperate in the work to be done.

Treasures Report (none)


Letter sent to Military Dep re Direction Finder asking permission to privately test
the efficiency of same.

Letter received from the Sydney Agents M & T Coy requesting particulars of the
doings of our Club for inclusion in the 1915 year book. Reply duly sent.
Passed as read.

Moved by Pres seconded Mr Wilmott that Mr McKail and sec interviews Military
Dept and offer free service of Institute in training members of Signaling Corps
in art of Radio-telegraphy. Direction finder to be shown as sample of work.

Moved by Mr McKail sec Mr A Sibley that meetings be held on every 2nd & 4th
Monday in each month, until such time as otherwise decoded.

Moved by Mr A Sibley sec by Mr R Thompson that inaugural Gen Meeting be held
on the 4th Monday of this month.

Moved by Mr McKail sec Mr C Sibley that annual fee of 5/- per member be

Moved by Mr McKail sec Mr Wilmott that applications for membership submitted
by Messrs Larkin as Senior Member and Perrin Jrn member be accepted.

Moved by Mr McKail Sec Mr R Thompson that Institute Rules be discussed with
the view of revising at next committee meeting.

Moved by Mr McKail Sec Mr A Sibley that following Committee meeting be held
at 8 pm on the 10th inst.

Meeting adjourned 10 pm

Chairman..........RW Thompson......10/2/15
Sec...................GW Dean......3/2/15

1915 February

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at 8 pm on Wednesday the 10th inst at the Science
Rooms P.B.S.

President in chair.

Present Messrs McKail R Thompson
Absent without apology Messrs A Sibley C Sibley and Wilmott.

Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.


Letter sent Military Dept in reference to offer of service in connection with training of members
of the Military Signaling Corps in Radio and other systems of Morse Signaling.
Lettergram forwarded Amalgamated Aust Wireless LTD concerning information supplied re
membership fee.
Passed as read.


Mr McKail and Sec interviewed Lieut Brown as instructed and received information that
Commandant had given approval of privately testing Direction Finder as per our request.
Written authority would be received later.
Re offer of training members of Signaling Corps in Radio and other Morse signaling.
Mr McKail and Sec interviewed Lieut Brown, Major Pigion and finally Major Beale the
officer Commanding Signalers (staff officer for ---------) The offer made was much appreciated
and a request made for same to be submitted in writing to the Commander.

General Rules of Institute reviewed.
Alterations and additions to be brought up at the following meeting which will be held on Monday
the 22nd inst.

Meeting closed 10 pm

Chairman.............RW Thompson
Hon Sec............. GW Dean

1915 February

Minutes of Committee Meeting held at the Science Rooms 8 pm on the 23-2-15

Present Mr RW Thompson in chair.
Messrs McKail Wilmott R Thompson C Sibley A Sibley Joyce Dean (A Sibley struck out)

Minutes of previous meeting read & confirmed

Moved Mr McKail Sec Mr Wilmott that Military authorities be repeated re Direction Finder.

Moved Mr R Thompson Sec Mr McKail that Military authorities be communicated with
requesting them to provide a room for the instruction of Officers and men referred to in
their letter.

Moved by Mr C Sibley Sec Mr Wilmott that rules as drafted be printed.
And also that the matter of printing be left in the hands of the President.

Moved Mr McKail Sec Mr R Thompson that next regular meeting be held on the 8th prox
due notice of which to be given through press.

Meeting adjourned 9.40 pm

Sec..................GW Dean....23.2.15

1915 April

Monday 12.4.15

Meeting postponed

Tuesday 13.4.15

Messrs Thompson & Sibley addressed Drill Hall Class. Static Electricity

Monday 26.4.15

Discussion on previous lectures.
No meeting.
Mr Henderson will lecture on Aeronautics at next meeting.

Tuesday 27.4.15

Mr Thompson lectured on Primary Batteries to Drill Hall Class.

1915 August

Meeting 9.8.15

Proposed by Mr Dean, seconded and carried.

"That this Institute again write Military Authorities offering the services of members in the manufacture
of Radio Telegraph, Field Telegraph and telephone instruments."

"That a sample of the work turned out by a member of Institute be forwarded to Professor Ross
for inspection."

All members present signified their willingness to assist during the present crisis.

E.A Mann Esq., Chief Inspector of Explosives has been written to, and a reply is awaited.

Messrs McKail & Dean also interviewed Professor Ross, and will report progress at meeting
on 23.8.15.

Hal McKail......Chairman

1915 August

The minutes for August 23rd 1915 are the first typed minutes in the minute book.

Meeting held 23/8/1915

Mr McKail explained at some length the interview which he and Mr Dean had with Professor Ross.
He pointed out that before any definite movement could be made, it would be necessary to form a
technical Sub-committee to go thoroughly into the various suggestions put forward. As the Institute's
representative on such Committee, it was moved, seconded and carried that Mr. McKail should
be the delegate.

Mr McKail further explained that from the interview with Professor Ross he had gathered that the
Institute would be unable to in any way assist in the making of Wireless sets owing to the nature
of their construction - much of the material required being unobtainable in this State. However,
we may be able to assist materially in the manufacture of Field Telephone sets.

It was pointed out by Mr. Thompson that in his opinion the Wireless sets which the Military people
required are altogether too cumbersome and expensive. He considered that a much cheaper and
more serviceable set could be constructed by the members of the Institute, and with the ultimate
view of approaching the Munitions Committee in this respect, it was agreed that a Committee
be formed to draw up specifications of such a set. The Committee to consist of Messrs McKail,
Dean, Henderson, Wilmott, Thompson and McCoughnay. The Committee to meet at the Club
Rooms, Sunday next, 10/30 am

Meeting Closed 9/45 pm

Mr Henderson moved that the whole of the
business in connection with Club should be
carried out in writing, and nothing done
verbally. He considered the former to be
the more satisfactory to all concerned.

........................Chairman (not signed)

The next page is also typed and is specifications for a Transmitter and Receiver,
presumably the results of the Committee as set up at the last meeting.

No Date

25 Mile Radius

Power     Hellison Cells 8v. 6 amp.   Six in series,  3 in parallel

Container  -  3/4" teak box.   8 x 16 x 8 approximately.

Coil              2 inch intensity spark coil   4 1/2 lbs   32 G. s s c
                     two layers No.  14 G.  D.C.C.  in primary.  Hammer break.
                     ( Alternative Dynamo fitted to drive from M.C engine)

Key              Heavy silver contacts 1/4 inch diameter.

Condenser.   13 plate  (6 x 7)  5 x 4. Glass embedded in parafin.
                     6 1/2  x  8 1/2 glass plates: box  7 1/2  x  10"  3" thick

Spark Gap.    Quenched type and Marconi type open discharger.

Variometer.    Pancake type inductive coupling. copper stripe 3/4" wide.
                      18 or 20 gauge. Hinged, wound six turns, outer 10" diameter.

Connections.   7 strands  D.C.C. wire.

Change over aerial switch.

Box.    11"  x  18"  x  9" (internal)

Receiver set.  9"  x  7"  x  7" Blitzen type rotary tuner.               Rotary variable condenser.
                                            Variable blocking condenser         Variable blocking condenser
                                            2 detectors and c.o switch

                                             Brandes imperial navy phones (pair)

There are no more entries in the minute book for 1915, just 2 blank pages.


Minutes of meeting held in Science Rooms Perth Boys School Monday Feb 14th 1916.

In the absence of the President Mr McKail took the chair. An apology was received from the
President (Mr Thompson).

Mr Dean the past Hon Sec explained to the members that owing to pressure of business he
would not be able to attend to his Secretarial duties as he would like. He therefore considered
it necessary to resign from the office as Sec and give some other member an opportunity of
carrying out the work. Mr Dean's resignation was received with much regret. Mr Thompson
junr & Mr A Sibley were both nominated to fill the position but in both instances from
unselfish motive, declined. Mr E Henderson was then nominated & elected.

The Sec read a letter from the Amalgamated Wireless (Australia) Ltd. which was received on
the motion of Mr Dean, sec Mr A Sibley.

General Business-

Mr Wilmott suggested that as the Practical Wireless Telegraphy is as present stagnant on
account of the War, & as the name of the Institute is the W.A. Radio & Scientific Institute,
he would like to see more time devoted to other Scientific subjects. The suggestion was very
favorably accepted by all members. from which-
Mr Sibley moved & Mr Dean sec that evenings be nominated and allotted to each or some of
the members to give a paper or lecture. Mr McHeckney moved an amendment, sec by
Mr Thompson junr "that a vote on different subjects be taken and the members asked to
volunteer to give papers on these subjects.
Mr Sibley then moved sec by Mr Collins that in conjunction with his first motion he would
add that voluntary contributions of papers should also be taken. This motion was carried,
and the names of Subjects & Volunteers were immediately taken -viz- In order of merit.

Monday Feb 28th Mr A Sibley, experiences on his recent travels as Wireless operator.
       "      Mar 13th Mr McKail    "Chemistry"
       "     Mar  27th Mr Thompson "Photography"
       "      April 10th Mr R Thompson "Mechanics"
       "      May 8th Mr Wilmott "Photography"
       "      May 22nd Mr Keckney "Astronomy"
       "      June 12th Mr Dean "Land line"
       "      June 26th Mr Wilmott  "Spectrum analysis"
       "      July  10th Mr McKail "Discharge of Electricity through gases"
       "      July  24th Mr Collins "Dynamo & general Electricity"
       "      Open  "Glass Blowing"
       "      Open  "Production of high Vacuum"
       "      Open  "Newest discoveries in Science"

E Henderson......Hon Sec

1916 March

Minutes of Meeting held in the Science Rooms Perth Boys School.    March 13th 1916

In the absence of the President (Mr Thompson) Mr McKail took the chair.

A very interesting lecture on Chemistry accompanied by a couple of very interesting experiments
was delivered by Mr McKail which was much appreciated by all present. Several questions were

The meeting closed at about 10 P.M.

1916 March

Minutes of meeting held in the Science Rooms Perth Boys School.   March 27th 1916

In the absence of the President Mr McKail took the chair.

An apology was received from Mr Thompson Senr & Mr Dean.

Owing to the absence of Mr Thompson whose night it was to give a lecture, it was agreed by all
present that each member would speak in tern for a few minutes on the latest discoveries of Science.

The Secretary promised to have printed syllabus ready for distribution amongst the members on the
next meeting night.

1916 April

Minutes of meeting held in the Science Rooms Perth Boys School.    April 10th 1916.

The President occupied the chair.

After a short discussion the Chairman introduced to the members the lecturer for the evening -
Mr R. Thompson who delivered a very interesting lecture on Mechanics accompanied by a few
practical demonstrations.

The Secretary read a letter from Mr Charles Harrison the Hon. Sec. of the Croydon Wireless
The meeting moved that a reply be sent to Mr Harrison enclosing one of the Institutes Rule Books.

1916 May

Minutes of meeting held in the Science Rooms Perth Boys School.   May 8th 1916

The President occupied the Chair.

Little or no business being discussed. The business of the evening taking the form of a lecture by
Mr Wilmott on Scientific Photography was proceeded with. Mr Wilmott introduced into his lecture
many interesting experiments, which were much appreciated by all members present.

At the conclusion of his lecture Mr Wilmott answered many questions put to him by the members.

The meeting closed about 10 P.M.

1916 May

Minutes of meeting held in the Science Rooms Perth Boys School      May 22nd 1916

The President occupied the Chair.

An apology was received from the Hon Sec who was unavoidably detained from attending.

Mr McKechnie providing the members with a most interesting lecture on Astronomy.
Mr McKechnie showed a very fine assortment of photographs which in themselves were immensely
interesting but were made a great deal more so by the very able lecturer.

1916 June

June 12th 1916

Mr Dean entertained the members with a very interesting lecture on Land Line work accompanied
by very instructive diagrams.

The Hon Sec. explained to the meeting that Mr R Thompson was going into camp.
Mr McKail, Mr Dean and other members of the Institute spoke in very fitting terms on behalf of the
Institute & expressed how sorry they were to lose one of their most energetic & popular members.
And all wishing him every success & a safe & speedy return.

This is the last entry in the minute book until, on the very next page, dated 3rd Nov 1919.
World War one ended on the 11th of November 1918 and it is assumed was the reason
for no more entries between June 12th 1916 and November 3rd 1919 a period of over 3

It is not known if the club met during this time.

1919 November

Minutes of the meeting held Physics Lecture room Perth University 3rd Nov 1919.

Chair occupied by Professor Ross who opened meeting at 8 pm.

Business of evening outlined by Chairman.

Mr Thompson Senior moved name be changed from W.A. Radio Club to
The Wireless Institute of Australia Western Australian Section in conformity with similar
institutions in Eastern states.
Seconded by Mr McKail.

Mr McKail moved in regard to the appointment of office bearers, seconded by Mr Reid.

The Following gentlemen were duly elected.

Hon President        Professor Ross
President               Mr Walter Coxon
Vic President         Mr McKail
Sec & Treasurer    Mr GW Dean
Committeemen       Messrs
                              R Thompson Jnr
                              A Sibley
                              E J Henderson
                              J Reid

Proposed by Mr Thompson seconded Mr McKail that committee meet at early date to revise

Moved by Mr McKail seconded Mr McKechnie, secretary write Education Dept with reference
gaining permission to use Science Rooms PBS.

Vote of thanks passed to Professor Ross.

Meeting closed 9.15 pm


GW Dean
W Coxon

1919 November

Minutes of meeting held in Science Lecture Room of Perth Boys School 20th November 1919 7.45pm.

Chair occupied by Mr McKail

Business of meeting outlined by Chairman.

Correspondence from the New South Wales Section of the Wireless Institute of Australia read to meeting
by Secretary. Also copy of Rules and Regulations of that Section.

Moved by Mr McKecknie "That is the event of a person wishing to become a member of the Institute
not more than 3 months before the end of the financial year, he shall not be called upon to pay any
further subscriptions before the end of the following financial year."
Seconded Mr. Sibley
Motion put to meeting by Chairman.

 Moved by Mr. McKechnie that the Secretary be instructed to communicate with the New South Wales
Section for the latest copy of their Rules and Regulations, also any information in connection with the
issue of licenses.
2. Communicate with the Naval Authorities Fremantle asking for their attitude in regard to the recognition
of the local Institute in matter of issuing licenses.
Seconded Mr Thompson.
Motion put to meeting by Chairman.

Secretary to call meeting as soon as replies are to hand, which will consider the advisability of recommending
the adoption of the N.S.W. Rules or the alteration of our own existing ones.

Moved by Mr. Sibley that Mr. Gray be asked to consider a request to act as Technical Advisor to the
Institute in the direction of the use of Valves. Secretary to point out to him the conditions laid down by
Commander Cresswell in his letter to the N.S.W. Section in regard to the issues of permits.
Seconded by Mr. McKechnie.
Motion put to meeting by Chairman.

Committee present.

Mr McKail (Chair)
Mr Sibley
Mr McKechnie
Mr Thompson
Mr Dean (Secretary)
Mr Watt (Assistant Secty)

Meeting declared closed by Chairman at 9pm

GW Dean Secretary
WE Coxon Chairman

1919 December

Minutes of meeting held in Science Rooms PBS 18th Dec 19

Mr Coxon in Chair 8 pm

Minutes of previous meeting read and passed.

Correspondence read and discussed.

Letter from Director of Education granting permission for use of Science Rooms PBS
providing Institute prepared to pay cost of lighting and arrange for cleaning.
Moved by Mr McKechnie seconded Mr Coxon that conditions be accepted.
Mr McKail advised he would interview caretaker re cleaning.

Letter from Naval Dept re licences discussed and it was decided to submit 3 or 4 applications
for permits.

Letter from Mr Gray re appointment as Technical Advisor discussed.

Later Mr Gray kindly agreed to accept the position on the Council as requested.

Moved Mr Gray seconded Mr Sibley that correspondence be acknowledged.

Consideration of applications for permit received from Messrs Coxon, Sibley, Watts and Dean.

Moved by Mr Gray sec Mr McKechnie that same be approved.

Meeting closed 8.30 pm

GW Dean
Read and confirmed at meeting held 7.45 pm 11-2-20 W Coxon Chairman
(Coxon read minutes at next meeting)

1920 February

Minutes of meeting held in Science Lecture Room of Perth Boys School 11th February 1920

Mr. Coxon in chair 8.15pm.

Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted.

Correspondence read and discussed.

Moved by Mr McKail seconded by Mr. Reid that Secretary write to the Editor of Year Book of
Wireless Telegraphy and provide Title Presidents and Secretary's Addresses together with any other
information desired.

Mr. McKail reported he interviewed the caretaker and concluded that the cost of Electric Lighting
per meeting would be 6d, and the cost of  extra cleaning 2/6 per meeting.

Moved by Mr. McKail that letter be written to Education Dept. outlining above arrangements.
Seconded Mr. McKechnie.

Moved Mr. McKail that Secretary be instructed to write to the Naval Authorities Melbourne as to
stand thet were taking in regard to age limit, and also outline the main objects of the Institute.

Moved Mr. McKechnie that Secretary and President arrange to have provided necessary forms
for enrollment by next General Meeting.

General Meeting to be held in Lecture Room P.B.S. 7.45pm Thursday 26st instant.
Secretary arrange to advertise same.

Present Mr. Coxon   Mr.McKail   Mr.McKechnie   Mr.Reid   Mr.Dean   Mr.Watt

Meeting Closed 9.30pm.

Hon Secretary  G.W. Dean
Minutes read and confirmed W.E. Coxon Chairman

1920 February

Minutes of General Meeting held in Science Rooms Perth Boys School 26th February 1920.

Mr. Coxon in the chair at 8pm.

Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted.

Moved by Mr. Reid Sec. Mr. Phipps that Mr. Gray's appointment as Technical Advisor be ratified.

Moved Mr. Wilson Sec Mr. Kelly that appointment of Mr. Watt as Assistant Honorary secretary
be ratified.

Moved by Mr. Reid Sec. Mr. McKail that the secretary ascertain the Number of Bagges required
and place same on order.

Moved by Mr. McKail seconded Mr. Reid that the Rules as amended be Adopted.

Moved by Mr. Turnbull seconded Mr. Wilson that a copy of the Rules together with the conditions
of licence be given to each member.

Moved by Mr. McKail seconded Mr. Sibley that forms for application for licence be procured and
that members apply for same through the Institute.

Moved by Mr. McKail seconded Mr. Turnbull that the Application form for membership be approved.

Moved by Mr. McKail Seconded Mr. Phipps that in the case of a foundation member attaining the age
of 18 years before the end of the present financial year, he shall be considered eligible for admission to
the Institute.

Moved Mr. McKail seconded Mr. Sibley that the present financial year end June 30th 1921.

Moved Mr. McKail Seconded Mr. Sibley that the General Meeting be called for the 25th March.

Meeting declared closed 9.25pm.

GW Dean  Hon. Secretary
Read and adopted WE Coxon President

1920 March

Minutes of Committee Meeting held in the Science Rooms Perth Boys School Thursday 4th March
1920. 8pm.

Moved Mr. McKail that minutes of previous meeting be adopted.

Moved Mr. McKail seconded Mr. Sibley that Secretary move in matter of printing Rules. 200 be

Moved Mr. McKail sec. Mr. Sibley that Mr. R.C. Thompson's resignation from Council be
accepted and Secretary instructed to write him re decision.

Moved Mr. Sibley sec. Mr. McKail that the sum of 10/- be allotted to Petty Cash.

Moved Mr. McKail sec. Mr. Sibley that application for license be forwarded to the Navey

Present. Messers Coxon, McKail, Sibley, Dean, Watt.

Meeting closed 9pm.

Hon Secretary
Read and confirmed.............President?

(not signed)

1920 March

Minutes of General Meeting held in Science Rooms, Perth Boys School 8p. 25th March '20

Mr Coxon in the chair.

Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted.

Letter from Navel Dept re issue of Temporary Licences read & explained by Chairman.

Lecture delivered by Mr Coxon on the Advance of Wireless in it's various Spheres during the War.

Meeting closed 10.30p

Read & adopted    Hon Sec

(Not signed)

1920 April

Minutes of General meeting held in Science Rooms P.B.S. 29th April.

Mr Coxon in chair 8pm

Letter from Sydney Division re lists of calls, read to meeting.

Moved that Institute subscribe to this isouc.

Lecture delivered by Mr McKail on Fundamental principles of Wireless.

Meeting closed 10. pm.

1920 May

Minutes of General meeting held in Science Rooms P.B.S. 27th May '20

Mr. Coxon in chair 8 pm.

Proposed by Mr McKail That design of badge be obtained, and emblem on Flag or other sign be
Seconded Mr Matthews

Moved Mr McKail. Members submit to council their views & wishes as to the direction in which they
need knowledge of W.T.
Seconded Mr. Phipps.

Lecture by Mr Coxon "Telephone Receivers"

Meeting closed.

1920 June

Minutes of General Meeting held in Perth Boys School 24th June 20

Mr Coxon in chair 8pm

Paper read by Mr Sibley on the subject of Electrical units.

Remarks by Mr Coxon on aerial and stay insulation

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

Sec G.W.Dean

Signature....Vincenty Matthews 29/7/20

1920 July

Minutes of General meeting held in Fire underwriters Assn Rooms Thursday 29th July '20

Mr V.J. Matthews in chair 8. pm.

Lecture delivered by Mr. Coxon on "Inductance and Capacity.

Meeting closed 9.30pm.

(not signed)

1920 August

Minutes of General Meeting held in Perth Boys School 26 August 1920

Mr Coxon in Chair

Lecture by Mr McKail

Meeting closed 9.30p.

1920 September

Minutes of General Meeting held in P.B.S. 8 pm 30th Sept 1920

Mr Matthews in Chair.

Correspondence read bt Secretary.

Moved Mr Turnbull that a report of progress & work be sent at intervals to Vic Divn.

Lecture by Mr Coxon

Meeting closed 9.30pm.

1920 October

Minutes of Council Meeting held in Science Rooms P.B.S. 8 p.m. 28.10.20

Mr Coxon presided.
Present Messrs McKail, Gray, McKechnie, Sibley, and Dean.

Moved by Mr Coxon that Mr J V Matthews be elected to fill the vacancy on Council created by
the resignation of Mr R Thompson.
Sec Mr Gray.

Letter from the Sec Boys Division of the YMCA Wireless Club with reference to affiliation received

Moved by Mr McKail sec Mr Gray that reply be forwarded the Secretary to effect the Boys Div
of the YMCA Wireless Club will be accepted as affiliated club provided they accept our rules in
so far as they apply and that all members over 18 years of age become members of this Division.
This affiliation to be subject to confirmation of annual meeting of this Division.

Mr McKail granted 4 months leave.

Meeting closed 9 pm

Hon Sec.....GWD

1920 November

Meeting held P.B.S. 25.11.20 8pm closed 9.30pm

Lecture by Mr A Sibley "Frequencies as applied to W.T. Circuits"

Decided to go into recess till last Tuesday in February 1921

GWDean 25.11.20

1921 February

Minutes of General Meeting held at the P.B.S. 24.2.21

Mr Coxon Presided.

Meeting opened 8pm and general discussion ensued.

Mr Turnbull elected Assistant Secretary.

Appreciation was expressed for the kee interest taken in Institute matters by Messers Mathews and

Secretary directed to communicate with the Controller of stores P.M.G. Dept asking for copy of
catalogue showing particulars of telephone etc apparatus on hand for sale, and also to accertain if it
was the intention of the Dept to hold an auction sale of material.

Meeting closed 9.45 pm

GW Dean 24.2.21

1921 March

Minutes of General Meeting of Wireless Institute held at Science Rooms PBS 8pm 21/3/21

Minutes of previous meeting were read & confirming Correspondence received & adopted.

Agenda No1
Messrs Matthews, Phipps & Coxon spoke re notice of motion.

Notice of motion lapsed.

Moved by Mr Matthews seconded by Mr Phipps. "That mid-monthly meeting be held.

Moved by Mr Phipps Seconded by Mr Bayne. "That members be given charge of mid-monthly
meeting & one member of the Council be present."

Agenda No2
Moved by Mr Sibley, Seconded by Mr Read "That offer of free meeting room be accepted, &
Mr Matthews be thanked."

Agenda No3
Discussed & passed.

Agenda No4
Mr McKechnie suggested that meetings be held on 2nd & 4th Wednesday in the month.

Moved by Mr Sibley, seconded by Mr Turnbull "Syllabus of lectures & demonstrations be
prepared 3 months ahead."

Agenda No5
Moved by Mr Matthews Seconded by Mr Sibley "That Pennants be procured through
Institutes only; & on expiration of memberships the pennants are to be returned to the Instutute.

Agenda 6

Agenda 7
Moved by Mr Matthews, Seconded by Mr Phipps "That Central Executive be advised re
Transmitting Licenses, & to ask them what steps have been taken to procure same."

Agenda 8

Moved by Mr Matthews, Seconded by Mr Bayne, "That each visitor be allowed to attend
only one meeting per annum."

A fair amount of discussion took place in regard to the Notices of Motion. There was a small
attendance considering all members were advised by circular. All members should endeavour
to make meetings interesting & have larger attendances.

Mr Sibley gave notice of motion.

Mr Sibley drew the attention of the council to the fact that no reports of the "W.A. Branch"
meetings, being inserted in their official organ, "Sea Land & Air.

The meeting closed at 9-45pm.

GW Dean

1921 April

Minutes of General meeting of the Wireless Institute held at Stott's Colledge on 27/4/21 at 8pm.

Mr Coxon presided

There was a very small attendance of members & several visitors were present, including Mr
Rossiter from the observatory.

Minutes of previous meeting read & confirmed.

Correspondence read & confirmed.

A letter from a Lieut. P. Polinane A Russian W/T Engineer at Constantinople was received
applying for a position in the Institute. The Secy. was instructed to reply stating the functions
of the Wireless Institute in W.A. & that no vacancies existed in W.A. Branch at the present
time for a Wireless Engineer.

Mr Coxon then gave his lecture on "Valves" with a demonstration. It was very interesting
from start to finish, & the W.A. Division can be proud to have such a practical member
as Mr Coxon The demonstration was particularly interesting in view of fact that the oscillations
could be heard in any part of the room with a pair of phones.

Mr Webb moved a vote of thanks to Mr Coxon for his fine lecture & demonstration. It was
carried by acclamation.

Meeting closed 9-30pm
Receipts for the evening 1-2-10

1921 June

Minutes of Annual Meeting of the Wireless Institute of Australia Western Australian Division,
held at Warwick House on June 29-1921

Mr Coxon in the chair.

Minutes of previous annual meeting read and confirmed.

Adoption moved by Mr Phipps, seconded by Mr Goldman.

Correspondence read and received on motion of Mr Webb seconded by Mr Bain.

The President then reported on the previous year's work, commenting on the fact that all privileges
enjoyed by amateurs at the present time were obtained thro the Institute.

The report was regarded as satisfactory considering the strength of the Institute, but hopes were
expressed that the coming year would be marked by the begining of better times for the Radio

The election of Officers for the coming year was then proceeded with, with the following result.

Honorary President                               Prof Ross
President                                              Mr Holt
Vice President                                      Mr Matthews
Hon. General Secretary & Treasurer     Mr Webb
Assistant Secretary                               Mr Turnbull
Technical Adviser                                 Mr Coxon

Nominations were then received for the council with the following result.

Mr Phipps         16 votes
Mr Sibley          9
Mr Middleton    8
Mr Pearl            8
Mr Thatcher      5
Mr Austin         15
Mr Nossiter      14
Mr McKail        7


Mr Phipps
Mr Austin
Mr Nossiter
Mr Sibley
Mr Middleton

The meeting closed at 10 PM

Signed......BM Holt

1921 July

Minutes of Council Meeting held in Warwick House on 6 July 1921.

Mr Holt in the chair.

Meeting opened at 8 Pm. all being present but Mr Sibley.

Revision of rules Alterations to same are to be put before next general meeting.

Moved Mr Mathews, seconded Mr Turnbull that the Western Australian Division affiliate with the
British Wireless Society.

Telegram sent to N.S.W. Division to that effect.

The meeting closed at 10-45 pm

Signed......27/7/21 Webb

1921 July

Minutes of General Meeting held in Warwick House on 27 July 1921.

Mr Holt in the chair.

The meeting opened at 8 pm.

Minutes read and received on motion of Mr Coxon, seconded by Mr Mathews.

Correspondence read and accepted on motion of Mr Nossiter seconded by Mr Phipps.

The business of the evening was then proceeded with viz. Revision of the Rules and Regulations
of the Institute. The meeting showed its approval of the additions and alterations drawn up by
the council.

Mr Mathews moved that the rules come into force immediately with the exception of No6.
Seconded by Mr Thatcher.

Moved Mr Webb seconded Mr Middleton, that a committee be appointed to supervise the running
of the mid-monthly meetings.
With the result that the following four members were elected.
Mr Webb, Mr Austin, Mr Thatcher, Mr Yates.
Moved Mr Turnbull, seconded Mr Middleton, that if the mid-monthly meeting did not become a
sucess within six months, it should lapse.

Moved Mr Thatcher seconded Mr Austin that the Secretary and his assistant be asked to draw
up a book of rules and other useful information to be sold to members at a nominal cost.

Mr Coxon moved that the matter be held over to some future date. Seconded Mr Mathews.

This concluded the business of the month.

Mr Middleton then began a most interesting lecture on the construction of a three valve amplifier.

The lecture was greatly handicaped by the lack of suitable apparatus with which to illustrate his
lecture, but by means of very interesting diagrams was able to hold the attention of his audience

In moving a vote of thanks to the speaker, the President remarked on the assistance Mr Middleton's
lecture gave to amateurs who set out to build their own apparatus.

The vote was carried with acclamation and the meeting adjorned at 10 pm to 7.30 on August 24th

TY Webb Hon Sec
BM Holt

1921 July

Minutes of Council Meeting held at 7-30 PM in Warwick House on 27th July 1921.
Mr Holt in chair.
All members present.

Minutes of previous meeting read and received on motion of Mr Turnbull seconded by Mr Phipps.

Moved Mr Webb seconded Mr Middleton that two auditors be appointed to go over the books
of the Institute.
Carried with the result that Mr Yeates & Mr Reid were appointed.

Meeting adjourned at 8 PM

J.Y Webb
Bernard Holt

1921 August

Minutes of Council Meeting held in Warwick House at 7.30 pm on 24th Aug 1921.
Mr Holt in the chair
Mr Sibley was absent.

Minutes were read and adopted on motion of Mr Mathews seconded by Mr Turnbull.

Correspondence, including the Auditors report on the past year's books, was read and received
on motion of Mr Coxon seconded by Mr Middleton.

Moved Mr Mathews, Seconded Mr Middleton, that the auditors be requested to make out a
balance sheet.

Moved Mr Nossiter, Seconded Mr Turnbull, that the council recommend that all members wishing
to have any instruments callibrated etc send the secretary an application for same accompanied by
2/6. Such fee to be placed in the funds of the Institute.

Note:- This motion was not put before the General meeting.

The meeting closed at 7-45

YY Webb (Hon Gen Sec)
BJ Holt Pres.

1921 August

Minutes of General Meeting held in Warwick House on 24th Aug 1921.
The meeting opened at 7.45 pm.
Mr Holt in the chair.

Minutes read and received on motion of Mr. Mathews seconded by Mr Turnbull.

Correspondence read and received on motion of Mr Turnbull seconded by Mr. Middleton.

The Secretary then proceeded with a lecture on "Dynamics and Motors" illustrated with lantern
slides which were kindly lent for the occasion by the President.

The lecture was followed by another by Mr. Holt on "Electrical Hazards - Fire and Accident"
which was greatly appreciated by the audience. As this lecture is one of a series on this subject
the Institute is promised some more interesting evenings.

The meeting closed at 10 pm. with a hearty vote of thanks to both lecturers.

YY Webb Hon Secretary 27/9/21

1921 September

Minutes of General meeting held on Wednesday, 28 Sept in Warwick House.

Mr Mathews took the chair in the absence of the President.

Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted on motion of Mr Phipps seconded by Mr Mathews.

Correspondence read and received on motion of Mr Holmes, seconded by Mr Austin.

Mr Coxon then gave a report on the progress of the rules books which were almost ready for

Moved Mr Phipps, seconded Mr. Turnbull that the Secretary be requested to write the Victorian
Branch re the deputation which was to approach the Prime Minister with regard to transmitting

Moved Mr Austin, seconded Mr Webb, that the midmonthly meetings be discontinued.

Mr Coxon then spoke a few words on the interference caused by amateurs who used step-up
transformers on spark coils on the house mains without suitable choke coils in series, thus causing
ossillations to be transmitted over the mains..

Mr Nossiter of the Perth Observatory then proceeded with a most interesting lecture on "time."
This lecture was thoroly appreciated by the members who were unanimous in the opinion that
it was one of the most interesting lectures ever delivered before the Institute.

The meeting closed at 9-45 with a hearty vote of thanks to the lectures.

YY Webb Hon Sec

1921 October

Minutes of General Meeting held in Warwick House on October 26 at 8 pm.

Mr Holt in the chair.

Attendance 26

Minutes read & adopted on motion of Mr Mathews seconded by Mr. Middleton.

Correspondence read & received on motion of Mr Turnbull, seconded by Mr. Middleton.

Mr Turnbull opened a discussion on Transmitting licenses for the Institute.

Moved Mr Coxon Seconded Mr Hugo that a list of apparatus required by the Institute be sent to
each member.

Moved Mr Coxon, seconded Mr Mathews, that the Secretary be requested to write to the radio
Dept re a transmitting & receiving licence for the Institute.

Mr Coxon very kindly promised to place his transmitting ????? control of the Institute while a set
for the Institute was under construction.

Mr Hugo asked the Institute the cause of "dead spots" in which radio communication is practically
impossible. The question was satisfactorily answered by Mr Sebley who said that these so called
"dead spots" were most probably caused by the geological formations of the land near which
they existed.

Mr Coxon then proceeded with a very interesting lecture on Continuous wave transmission.
The lecturer traced the growth of the cw transmtter from its birth in the Marconi timed spark
transmitter to the arc transmitter and eventually to the evolution of the valve and its use in
transmitting and receiving telegraphic and telephonic signals.

The meeting closed at 10 pm with a hearty vote of thanks to the lecturers.

YY Webb Hon Sec
BJ Holt.

1921 November

Minutes of Council Meeting held in Warwick House on 30th November 1921.

Mr Holt in the chair.

Mr Mathews, Mr Coxon, Mr Sibley, Mr Middleton, Mr Turnbull being absent.

Minutes read & received on motion of Mr Phipps seconded by Mr Nossiter.

Moved Mr Phipps seconded Mr Nossiter that the December meeting be cancelled.

Moved Mr Phipps seconded Mr Nossiter that General meetings be held on last Wednesday
in the month.

The meeting adjourned at 8pm

YY Webb Hon Sec
BJ Holt.

1921 November

Minutes of General Meeting held in Warwick House on 30 Nov. 1921 at 8 pm.

Mr Holt in the chair.

Attendance 30

Minutes read & received on motion of Mr Austin seconded by Mr Holmes.

Correspondence read & received on motion of Mr Yates, seconded by Mr Bain.

Council's recommendation read that the December meeting be cancelled.

Moved Mr Nossiter, seconded Mr MacIntosh that the Council's recommendation be adopted.

Moved Mr Hugo, seconded Mr Bain that all General Meetings be held on the last Wednesday in
each month.

Mr Holt then proceeded with a very interesting paper on "Electricity from a life and accident point
of view" being a continuation of his last papers "Electrical hazards, fire and accident." The lecture
concluded with a very interesting and spectacular demonstration of High Frequency Currents.

The meeting closed at 9-50 with a hearty vote of thanks to the lectures.

YY Webb Hon Secretary.

1922 January

Minutes of Counsil Meeting held in the Perth Observatory on 25 January 1922 at 7-30 pm.
Mr Holt in the chair.

Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed on motion of Mr Middleton seconded by
Mr Coxon.

Correspondence read and received on motion of Mr Phipps seconded by Mr Austin.

The President stated the receipt of a letter from the Assistant Secretary pending his resignation
from that office on account of his being transferred to Bunbury.

Moved Mr Nossiter Seconded Mr Phipps that Mr Turnbull's resignation be accepted.

Mr Coxon then nominated Mr A.E. Stevens as the new Assistant Secretary. He was seconded
by Mr Nossiter with the result that Mr Stevens was elected.

Moved Mr Middleton Seconded Mr Austin that a notice be sent to all unfinancial members.

The meeting closed at 8.15 pm.

YY Webb Hon Gen Sec
BM Holt

1922 January

Minutes of General Meeting held at the Observatory at 8.15 pm on 25 Jan 1922.

The meeting took the form of a visit to the Observatory kindly conducted by Mr Nossiter who
explained the use of all the various kinds of apparatus. All business was suspended in order to
give the whole amount of time to the object in hand.

The meeting closed at 11 pm>

YY Webb
Hon Gen Sec.

1922 January

Minutes of Council meeting held 22.2.22 at Warwick House.

President Mr Holt in the Chair.

Apologies rec'd from Messrs Mathews & Webb.

The minutes of previous meeting read & confirmed on motion of Mr Middleton Sec by Mr Nossiter.

An application for Membership was received from Mr A Saor. Moved Mr Nossiter Sec Mr Austin
that this application be received. Moved by Mr Nossiter Sec Mr Middleton that volunteers be called
at end of meeting for construction of apparatus & cabinet for Wireless Set for Institute.

There being no further business Council meeting closed at 8.10pm.

AE Stevens
Asst Hon Sec